Nice to meet you!

I was raised in a small mountain town in Northern California, which contributed to the deep love I have for nature and adventure. When I wasn’t out galavanting among the pine trees, I was usually working on a craft project, playing video games, or working on a website I proudly created from scratch.

The same curiosity and ambition that fueled my hobbies in my adolescence have carried into the life I live and the work I do today. I love figuring out how things work, exploring ways to creatively solve problems, and learning new skills to help achieve goals. The opportunity to build relationships with peers, in tandem with creating experiences collaboratively that improve user experiences, makes it all even better.

I love being a designer for all the same reasons you’d hear across the industry (solving complex problems, creating elegant design solutions, curating a delightful user experience). But I think what’s just as important to me, if not more important, is getting to tell the story with context, conflict, and resolution. Bringing others along for the ride is rewarding for all: the storyteller, the listener, and the character. Plus, who doesn’t love a good story?


Do you remeber Myspace?

Technically it still exists. At its peak in the early 2000s, I was obsessed with it just like the rest of the world. I fine-tuned my playlist, took on the difficult task of picking my top 8 friends, and thoughtfully curated my profile photos. I like to think it was also one of the places I started my digital design journey, creating layouts for myself and my friends.

I thought it would be fun to bring back a shorter version of one of the famous Myspace surveys. Maybe it can be a fun way to let you know a little more about me!

  1. Tea or coffee?:
    Coffee, black please!

  2. Salty or sweet?:
    Definitely salty. Chips are my guilty pleasure.

  3. Last book you read?:
    Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Wow, what a read!

  4. Shopping online or in the flesh?:
    Online for just about everything (except produce and clothing, I really like picking my own lettuce and trying things on before buying).

  5. Best blogging/writing/social media advice you’ve ever given or received?:
    I recently read a post from Amit Fulay, VP of Product at Microsoft, that has really stuck with me. I was especially fond of his last point: “Your definition of success in career will constantly evolve, and that’s okay. You will go from optimizing for money, prestige, title to optimizing for people, purpose and legacy. It is a natural progression. I will offer two suggestions, always be honest with yourself on what you really want and second don't optimize for the short term. Remember to play the long game.”

  6. Cupcake or ice cream?
    Ice cream. It’s so good, even on a cold day.

  7. Name one thing you regret?
    Nothing. Even the less-than-optimal experiences in my life have provided valuable lessons learned.

  8. Ideal Sunday morning?
    Breakfast foods and basking in the sunshine. The two things together…so much joy!

  9. Vacation destination: Mountains or beach
    Living on the beach, mountains. Living in the mountains, beach.

  10. What are you most proud of?
    The friendships I’ve made and built upon over life. From school, work, and more.

  11. Favorite type of bagel?
    It’s a toss-up between jalapeño cheddar and everything.

  12. Who would you most want to be stuck in an elevator with?
    I always felt like Seth Rogan would be such a pleasant soul to share space with.

  13. Most important quality in a friend?

  14. What you would most want to change about yourself?
    It would be really convenient to be able to fly somehow.

  15. Talent you wish you had?
    Singing. What I’d give to have the voice of an angel…

  16. Are you named after anyone?
    I think after Carly Simon, which I hope is true. Love her.

  17. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up?
    Bird watching. It seems so relaxing and combines two of my favorite things: nature and birds.

  18. Number #1 on your Bucket List?
    Buy a house to turn into a home.

  19. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
    Left. Starting to think I should switch sides, then I’m always waking up on the right side of the bed.

  20. The one item you can’t live without?
    A comfy, oversized hoodie.

  21. One word that describes you best?
    Sunny ☀️